Semi Towing Services for an Overturned Tractor Trailer

Semi Towing Needed for an Overturned Tractor Trailer with 30,000 pounds of Cargo

Semi towing services were needed at a Russellville aluminum factory when a tractor trailer loaded with 30,000 pounds of crushed aluminum cans rolled downhill and landed sideways in a ditch.

This is when Jones Bros 45 years of experience in semi towing came in handy. An inexperienced crew would have simply tried to lift the truck immediately. The crew knew that lifting the truck with it’s cargo still in it would cause damage to the trailer’s fiberglass walls. The 30,000 pounds of aluminium would need to be removed from the truck. Emptying the cargo would take hours by hand. What could have been a daunting task in the searing heat was made so much easier thanks to the help of the aluminium factory. They provided a telehandler, shade tent, coolers, water, and lunch. Not to mention, 14 workers from the factory were on hand to tackle this mammoth task. This was teamwork at it’s finest.

Once the trailer was empty, the team used a wrecker and some carefully placed support straps to upright the now empty trailer. Thankfully, when they did that, the driver side wheels landed on the asphalt outside the ditch! This made dragging the remainder of the truck out of the ditch a much smoother process.

Semi Towing Services for an Overturned Tractor Trailer Details

A tractor trailer was driving uphill when it began to roll backwards down the hill. The trailer was full with 30,000 pounds of crushed aluminium cans in 2ft x 2ft cubes. The tractor trailer rolled into a ditch and ended up flipping over and was now lying sideways.

Jones Bros. Towing and Trucking received the call and dispatched their semi towing technicians. Jones Bros. Towing and Trucking semi towing technicians arrived at the scene and assessed the situation. Jones Bros. Towing and Trucking semi towing technicians decided that the trailer needed to be empty prior to attempting to get it out of the ditch. This was to avoid the fiber-glass trailer breaking apart during the move. Jones Bros. Towing and Trucking semi towing technicians, along with the help of 14 employees from the aluminium plant began emptying the trailer. The aluminium plant provided the semi towing technicians with a telehandler to facilitate the process.

Once empty, Jones Bros. Towing and Trucking semi towing technicians used two wreckers to roll the tractor trailer over. One wrecker was positioned at the front end of the tractor trailer while the other wrecker was positioned at the bottom end of the tractor trailer. Jones Bros. Towing and Trucking ran a strap over the trailer for upper support and ran two lines from that strap, one to the rear trailer axle and one to the rear truck axle. Jones Bros. Towing and Trucking semi towing technicians disconnected the drive shaft. The truck was rolled upright with the driver side wheels landing on the asphalt. The truck was dragged 10 feet up the hill. Jones Bros. Towing and Trucking semi towing team backed the wrecker towards the truck and lifted up the front wheels of the cab to the back of the wrecker.Â