Tow Service Narrowly Avoids Disaster

Tow Service Team’s Attention to Detail Saves the Day


A tow service team’s attention to detail made all the difference during a job this week in Kentucky. A company called on Jones Bros to assist them in moving some heavy machinery from a rock quarry in Morgantown, KY to another rock quarry in Grand Rivers, KY. The machine in question was a massive 15 foot tall front-end loader (also known as a bucket loader or a wheel loader). 

With a vast amount of experience hauling construction equipment, loading the bucket loader onto the flatbed was a walk in the park for the tow service team. The trouble came when they were driving along the interstate. As they were approaching a railroad bridge, the tow service team immediately slowed down. When you’re towing such large machinery, knowing your height limits is absolutely imperative. 

The experienced driver knew that it would be very tight. A member of the tow service team climbed up onto the wheel loader while his partner slowly drove forward towards the bridge. Thankfully, by doing that, they realised that they needed more clearance. Should they have not taken the extra precautions and decided to drive under the bridge, they would have had a massive accident!

Knowing that they needed a few extra inches of clearance, they removed the air from the suspension system. This gave them the extra clearance they needed to safely drive under the bridge! Jones Bros never cuts corners when it comes to safety. Thank you for you incredible work out there team!Tow Service Transport Construction Equipment

Details of Tow Service Teams’s Attention to Detail Saves the Day


The tow service dispatch team received a call from a company who needed to move heavy machinery. A tow service team was immediately dispatched. The tow service team arrived at the first rock quarry in Morgantown, Kentucky. 

The tow service team assessed the situation. A 15 foot tall front-end loader needed to be brought to another rock quarry. The location of the second rock quarry was a 100 mile drive away in Grand Rivers, Kentucky. The tow service team loaded the front-end loader onto their flatbed. The tow team ensured that the front-end loader was securely strapped to the flatbed before getting on the road. 

While they were driving on the interstate, the tow service team noticed a railroad bridge ahead of them on the road. The tow service team wanted to be safe so a member of the team stood on the wheel well while the other slowly drove forwards towards the bridge. The tow service team stopped driving as it was discovered that the bridge was simply too low to be cleared safely. The tow service team dumped all the air from the front-end loaders air suspension system. This lowered the height of the front-end lower by a few inches. 

The tow service team re-assessed the situation. With the front-end loader now inches lower than it used to be, they had enough space to clear the bridge safely. The tow service team continued on their journey. The tow service team successfully delivered the front-end loader to the second rock quarry in Grand Rivers, Kentucky.

One Response

  1. Always to great work I know this family personally very great company to work with and to know