Car Engine Overheating? Follow these Steps!

car engine overheating

If you have been faced with your car engine overheating, you know that an overheating engine can be both stressful and hazardous, especially when you’re unsure of what steps to take. Instead of panicking, your primary concern should be safety! If your car experiences overheating, here’s the proper course of action to follow (along with some preventative measures for enhanced safety).

Appropriate Steps When Your Car Overheats

Car engine overheating can stem from various reasons, making it challenging to pinpoint the cause of your smoking engine however, if you are experiencing car engine overheating, it’s essential to follow these steps. 

  • Cease driving 

If your car’s engine starts getting too hot, it’s important to take action right away and find a safe place to stop. If you are driving on a busy road, try to slow down gradually to prevent the engine from overheating further. Look for a secure spot to park without causing any inconvenience to other drivers or risking any accidents. Once you’ve found a safe spot, the next step is to turn off the engine without delay. This is the best and most reliable method to give your engine the cooling it needs when you find yourself stuck on the side of the road.

  • Contact Jones Bros Towing 

It’s best to avoid trying to fix your car on the side of the road by yourself. Your safety should always come first, and attempting DIY repairs could make the situation worse. Once you’ve safely parked your car and turned off the engine, the next step is to get in touch with Jones Bros Towing. They are a reliable and trustworthy towing company that can assist you. Their dedicated towing team will quickly aid you, removing you and your vehicle from the traffic and taking it to a nearby mechanic. You can have peace of mind knowing that your car will receive the necessary attention to prevent any further damage and avoid costly repairs.

  • Turn off your air conditioning and keep it off

Contrary to what you might think, it’s actually advisable to avoid using air conditioning when your car engine is overheating. The reason behind this is that turning on the AC puts additional stress on an already overburdened engine. The AC system requires extra power, increasing the engine’s temperature even more. Interestingly, some experts suggest an alternative approach: turning on the heat. This might sound surprising, but it can help alleviate some of the excess heat from both the engine and the passenger compartment. By doing so, you give the cooling system a valuable break and allow it to recover.

  • Don’t open the hood 

We’ve all seen those intense moments in movies where a couple drives through the desert, and suddenly their car starts smoking. In a heroic move, someone pops open the hood, resulting in a dramatic burst of steam. While it makes for an exciting scene on the big screen, in reality, this action can do more harm than good.

Opening the hood when your car is overheating actually causes the heat to circulate within the engine compartments, potentially leading to significant damage. Not only that, but it also puts you at risk of burns and injuries from the scorching steam or smoke. So, before you even think about opening the hood, it’s crucial to pay close attention to the temperature indicator and let it stabilize. This way, you can ensure your safety and prevent further damage to your vehicle.

Jones Bros Can Help with Car Engine Overheating 

While no one plans for their car engine overheating or vehicle breakdown, you must have a trusted towing company you can count on. At Jones Bros Towing, we are here to offer top-notch towing and roadside assistance services, including issues with car engine overheating. Reach out to us today

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